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It's the oldest diet in the
world that we know about.
It began with the first humans, Adam and Eve, who ate a vegetarian diet of grains, fruits, and vegetables. A millennium passed. Seven colors of a rainbow appeared heralding a heavenly gift of "Seven Commandments", mankind's first universal religion to usher in the dawn of an era of peace and happiness. One of the "Seven Commandments" forbade cruelty to animals, specifically the practice of wrenching a limb off a living animal for food, though permitting killing of an animal in a humane manner for eating its meat, but forbidding ingestion of its blood, whose components would then commingle animal with human life streams. Settling in the Promised Land, Abraham and Sarah, patriarch and matriarch of the Hebrew nation, observed the divinely revealed dietary code. By their tent nearby Hebron, under the shade of a giant tamarisk, they established a kosher restaurant, Aishel, Hebrew acronym spelling food, drink, hospitality. Wayfarers, upon being warmly welcomed, were bidden to wash their hands and feet in a nearby spring before the meal, and after the meal were taught to thank the Creator for His bounty. Their descendants, the Israelites, upon liberation from enslavement by Pharaohs welcomed the commandments ordained at Mount Sinai; among them a heavenly dietary code. Typical of laws set in the Kosher Code are regulations prohibiting insects in leafy vegetables, combinations of fish and meat harmful to health, rules and regulations, for purity in processing of foods, and the highest temperatures in cleansing of utensils and kettles, thereby totally eliminating transmission of food particles from product to another; even lubricating oils and packaging coating may not contain contaminating substances. In modern times, the Kosher Code has become universally acknowledged. Even in the USA, where excellent government standards regulate production of foods and related products, they are exceeded by the exacting stringencies of the Kosher standard. Living in an age of contaminated earth, polluted air and impure water, purity of foods are of concern to consumers everywhere who the world over demand as never before, Kosher supervision and Certification.
The KOF-K emblem is a
registered trademark protected under Federal law against the
unauthorized use on any product or service. It is the
exclusive property of KOF-K Kosher Supervision, an international
organization providing the highest standards of kosher food
certification. Only products and services meeting these standards
are permitted to display the KOF-K symbol.
The administration of the KOF-K is comprised of a committee of experts in various specializations of kosher food production. On call are consultants with detailed knowledge of chemical, color and flavor formulation, dairy plant production, meat and poultry processing, and bakery manufacturing facilities. The kashrus policies of the KOF-K are governed by a committee of world renowned authorities in kosher law. The KOF-K is a worldwide organization with an international network of regional coordinators and rabbinic representatives, all of whom are strictly Orthodox in their personal practices and synagogue affiliations. The KOF-K's rabbinic representatives are based in major Jewish communities throughout North America, Europe, Israel, Mexico, and Canada. They pay frequent visits to principal sources of kosher food and ingredient suppliers. Every aspect of a product or service under KOF-K certification has been carefully reviewed by a panel of kashrus experts. Companies are closely monitored on an ongoing basis by regional coordinators. |
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